YouthGAS is temporarily / indefinitely closed. You can reach me by email at info at youthgas dot com. Thanks.
Some testimonials...
"Richard you are amazing." - Anna S., QLD
"I would also like to sincerely thank Richard Lenn and anyone else who is involved with YouthGAS for this wonderful resource that they provide (I can not begin to imagine how much time it takes to manage this network). YouthGAS is such an invaluable networking tool for communicating with all people dealing with youth. I would also like to thank all YouthGAS members for their great support - all of the questions I have posted to YouthGAS are ALWAYS answered by many caring people who take the time from their busy day to respond. The information they give and the support is overwhelming and I would like to thank everyone and let them know how truly greatful I am." - Sandy D., WA
"I'm a student teacher, and just finished my first teaching prac. One of my classes was a Year 11 'Youth Issues' class. Someone from a youth organisation that I rang for help (in Adelaide) recommended your network, so I subscribed and have been enjoying the constant stream of info from YouthGAS for the past month. My supervising teacher was very impressed that I had all this current (hot) info. at my finger tips, (not only about youth issues, but what is being done about them, and by whom). Also, every week I scoured the emails you sent me for 'leads' for my students to follow up. This really opened the students up to the idea of research (this was the first individual research that some of them had done) and provided jumping off points for them to choose issues to focus on. I'm writing to thank you!!! You saved me from deep angst, at a time when I really was feeling lost as to where to start. I've also passed some info. on to other teachers within the school, about programs that I thought could be relevant to their students/ topics. They've all been really chuffed about it and several have plans to get their students involved in projects. So thank you, and keep up the excellent work." - Noella C., SA
"Hi Richard... I just have to say this. while I have a spare moment... You are like some kind information demigod when it comes to youth work... There must be nothing goes on in Australia without you knowing about it... Initially it pissed me off getting a new YouthGAS message every half hour or so, but being reasonably isolated in my youth work, I have come to find it comforting, and knowing what is going on around Aust, even if much of it is largely irrelevant to my direct practice, the network of information has broadened my concept and understanding of youth work. Thanks for that. You do a great job... Cheers!" - Joni K., WA
"Just wanted to say I very much admire the role you have taken on as Mr Professional "Let Everyone Know Wassup" - and your "if you don't already care - you should" approach. I'm sure you get this all the time, but I really dig that I can see what other people are doing in their communities around Australia - other than shopping and gossiping - and can keep in tune with the concerns of other young people, as well as ask for and offer help. Like heaps of others I've been receiving your emails every day and couldn't imagine going back to the pre-YouthGAS days! And it's occurred to me that there is actually a face behind the dotcom. So, thankyou muchly for your hard work!" Viet D., NSW
"Just wanted to say thanks to the overwhelming amount of YouthGASsers who responded to my enquiry -posted yesterday - regarding one of my clients that missed out on a University offer. We received some fantastic advice from many people, a direct result of which has landed her a place in a NSW University in B Arts in Theatre Studies - her first preference. My client has requested that I pass on her personal thanks ... she has a much different attitude towards life today than she did yesterday! Thanks again for being part of a story with a good ending." - Ellie R., NSW
"I just wanted to say thanks for all your time and effort in establishing and maintaining the YouthGas network. It is an incredibly valuable resource for those of us in the Youth Services field. I think that it's fair to say that your hard work has gone a long way to helping Australia develop its services to young people; and in fact in many areas becoming world leaders in the delivery of services to young people. Once again - thanks." - Tomas K., VIC
"I'm really impressed by the whole idea and existence of YouthGAS. (It'd be hard work to keep everything current.) I joined after someone forwarded a YouthGAS email to me and it's been one of the most useful and interesting mailing lists I've ever joined. And I'm not just saying that. It's bringing a a lot of different groups of people together but who all share an interest in youth. Two thumbs up to you." - Bonnie D., WA
"I'm Emilie N., youthGAS member. I just joined the other day, and I have to say, out of all the forums and listservs and mail-listings I've joined, youthGAS is the only one that gave me instant replies. You really have a great website, and a great [email list] archive..." - Emilie N., QLD
I love YOUTH GAS. I'm you BIGGEST fan. I love what you do, and how great you do it. I believe in everything you strive for. I tell my friends and family about your organization all the time. I only Wish i could show it off. If you could send me anything free, anything. Stickers, decals, keychains, t-shirts, anything. It would be so greatly appreciated! Thanks so much, your fan, - Angela P.s.- I LOVE your site" - U.S.A.
"...much thanks for bringing Youthgas to my life everyday - it's been very informative." Kaylee C., NSW
"In the past year I've become amazed at how far forward the work of youth participation is in Australia , and most of that amazement comes from YouthGAS. Thanks for doing it." - Adam F., U.S.A.
"Thanks to everyone who gave me leads regarding demountable skate ramps. I'm always amazed at the great response I've gotten whenever I've asked for help on YouthGAS." - Bronwyn T., NSW
"This YouthGAS is a wonderful resource and there is always such passionate and lively debates, its great to be part of it." - Carol M., NSW
"...I would just like to thank every one who contributes to YouthGAS - without it I do truly live on a deserted island out here in the Indian Ocean." - Lin G., Christmas Island, WA
"I was quite surprised with the amount of emails that I received in relation to my programming & planning for camp ideas. Thank you so much to all of you who forwarded me great ideas, tips, advice and internet resources & links. You will be happy to know, I have taken many of the ideas and suggestions on board, and now have a fair amount of great games added to my list of activities to carry out with the adolescents. ...... Some also adaptable to adults! :-)). I am fairly new~ish to youth-gassing, and so far, have found it very beneficial indeed! It is an excellent way to come together and compile our own experiences and ideas with one another! If anybody would like a list of the Outdoor Camp games that I have collated (mostly from Youthgas & some other relevant sources), please do not hesitate to contact me. With the fantastic response & help that I received, I hope that I too, can be of help to many others in the near future!! Keep up the great work everybody!" - Kerri G.
"As a teacher of Indigenous students, we are on a rural, remote community and YouthGAS is an important communication tool for the students. I email this and down load any info relating to young people." - Maree P.
"I know I have told you personally what this service has meant for me as a practitioner and a person, but for the record, I have gained access to information and ideas that I normally would not be exposed to. I have received support from people in other states, I have offered support and ideas and generally feel part of something very special. I am extremely grateful." - Julie W., NSW
"well I reckon you, and your list rock but you know that ;) how are you anyway? do you blush with this inundation of compliments and support? or do you know just sit back and go "yeah, I know I'm good" ;) you've done an awesome job. you rock." - Ariane L., NSW
"I want to add my comments to those posted in support of Richard and YG website - as a community access school coordinator I COULD NOT LIVE WITHOUT IT!!! Thank you Richard for your vision, your endurance and your technical skills !!!" - Jenny S., QLD
".. You are facilitating a fantastic resource and I really appreciate it. This is a brilliant way for those of us in rural Australia to access latest ideas, thinking and resources, etc., Thanks Richard!!!" - Neil W., QLD
" hi - just to re-iterate that i think this is a groovy resource and I'm not even from oz – I'm a corporate youth officer for a local council in the south west of England , UK . However, i would like to thank everyone for posting on this email-community and to let you know that your influence and information is spreading farther than just your island - thanx again!" - Darren K., England
"By the way.. just to give you some feedback.. the YouthGAS site and emails made it possible for me to make some fantastic contacts which are helping me set up a cross cultural youth group... Many thanks!" - David M.
"I've been without YouthGAS for a few days now. It's a scary feeling." - Ariane L., NSW
"I actually got a great piece of contract work through a Youth Gas mailing and if you happen to be at all interested - one for the gossip files - through that job I met the love of my life! What a soap opera but true, so thanks!" - Kate G., VIC
"Although we have never met I have appreciated the dedication, time and energy you have put into running YouthGAS. I will be recommending that [my replacement] subscribe to youthgas as an excellent resource in keeping up-to-date with the big picture of youth services across the country. Thank you once again - you really do provide a unique and vital service to workers (and other interested parties)." - Denis J., NSW
"It has been a pleasure to be a part of YouthGAS. I am only unsubscribing for a little while (just had a baby and we are spending time getting to know him). I just wanted to say that the information, ideas, details of events etc that I have been able to access through YouthGAS has been amazing. I work for an organisation that provides opportunities with and for children and young people in out of home care and we have been able to utilise much of the information that comes through the email, and also share some of the great stuff that we are doing. Many thanks for providing such a wonderful opportunity." - Kate B., NSW
"Thank you very much for your assistance of late – and for YouthGAS itself, it's a brilliant tool that makes my job of compiling youth related news & information very much more enjoyable!" - Avalon S., SA
"It really has worked out [receiving promotional information] and thanks must go to every service, department and individual who has sent us resources, and of course, YouthGAS." - Ellie R., NSW
"I'm new to this YouthGAS thang , but it seems pretty cool." - Mark, NSW
"I have found that youth gas is an effective way of communicating for all age groups." - Aaron R., VIC
"Continued success with this great site!" - Paul H., VIC
"Thanks for all the info...its an excellent service." - Margaret R., TAS
"... a great resource and your work is greatly appreciated." - Claudine M., NSW
"Congratulations... You do such a great job, and the service YouthGAS provides is excellent. It's so good to garner national expertise and info in such an easy way. So thank you!" - Genevieve F., VIC
"Congratulations......I am new to your list.... since joining I have been able to provide links and info to a whole bunch of young people." - Ian C., SA
"Thank you for YouthGAS. It gives me an insight into what other youth organisations are doing, it is a handy resource for me to look at and collect relevant information. Keep up the good work." - Kevin K., England
"Congratulations! Your work is most appreciated by those of us working in the field of youth affairs." - Susan B., NSW
"I'm a freelance radio producer. youthgas is an excellent source for stories!" - Ali, NSW
"You've created a fantastic resource here, thank you soo much :-)" - Karl A., QLD
"It's a pleasure to support your amazing work that is literally life-saving at this point. [Referring to some shared information on youth suicide] " - Deborah D., TAS
"I would like to say that I find the e-alert an excellent communication source and tool for keeping up, on youth issues and activities. Thank you for maintaining such a valuable resource." - Amanda G., NSW
"Thankyou to everyone who took the time to give us feedback on Managing Aggressive Conflicts... I was astounded at the response and the sense of solidarity among human services workers regarding issues that many of us seem to face... Thank you all. We have followed up on a diversity of different training options." - Joni K., WA
"Thanks Richard, I was right. You are a nice guy. I will follow your advice...." - Jan S., NSW
"Richard – you're one of life's true gems. I LOVE YouthGAS!" - Genevieve F., VIC
"I admire the way YouthGAS works and appreciate the flow of information... I'd just like to commend you on the great job you guys do..." - Karina G., WA
"Thanks for the opportunity to post... and for all you hard work with the list, I have learnt a lot from the info that I get being subscribed to youth gas" - Linda K.
"I have just found this site and I want to congratulate the founder on a great initiative." - Narelle S.
"…you are a legend." - Sally L., NSW
"YouthGAS has been terrific, lots of people writing in with lots of valuable things to say! [Response to a media opportunity]" - Tara V., VIC
"... I also want to let you know I think YouthGAS is excellent, even though I don't always have time to use the excellent information that's coming out on it and you're amazing for making it happen! Keep it up." - Tasmin D. , WA
"Thanks for the wonderful way of sharing information - I learn so much!!!" - Jacqueline G., VIC
"I enjoy looking at it and being part of your newsletter group and I thought to share it with people from this end as well…….." - Lynne L., NSW
"Its good to see there's a website like yours available for young people. From what I've seen so far, it's great!!" - Katerina M.
"Youth today need every possible positive support, most of all, to be well heard. Thanks to Richard, many have that opportunity here." - Deborah D., TAS
"...thanks for your dedication to making YouthGAS the great resource it is, it rocks!" - Amy T., QLD
"...the info that has been disseminated is exceptional. Thank you to those people." - Evonne J., TAS
"MANY thanks to all of you for your suggestions. This has been VERY helpful. I've printed off info, am making contacts, and feel reinvigorated with info and direction. Thanks again!" - Jackie, NSW
"I have been a member of the YouthGAS list for a while and find the conversations interesting and relevant." - Kirilliee S., SA
"I just want to say that I think YouthGAS is great, and it really helps in connecting all of us "youth" people up to each other. Sometimes we may forget to say it, but I know we are very grateful for the work you have done and continue to do! I hope you are able to source some funds to keep up the good work!" - Sandra S., WA
"I have been on this mailing list for quite a while and i have been using some of the things said for ideas for a skool assignment" - Kassy B.
"Yes, YouthGAS is a great website. It's comprehensive and succinct with terrific hotlinks." - Jeff B., QLD
"Thanks again for this fantastic service - I have used it heaps and learnt about so many events/programs that it is really great." - Luke B., VIC
"Thankyou for the great response to our call for nominations for a youth reference group for [our] project. Thanks to the efforts of YouthGASsers we received a lot of great nominations." - Ben M., NSW
"Just a note to say thanks for the excellent work YouthGAS provides. I know it is meant mainly for the young but those of us who have been long time advocates for young people also benefit. It's almost like keeping in touch with the latest music and pop music/songs." - Charlie C., NSW
"Thanks for this wonderful service - it seems to gather a great deal of interest from a wide range of areas." - Catherine M., VIC
"I just wanted to compliment you on your YouthGAS website. You have achieved so much and I think it is great." - Dion B., NSW
"...every youth service I have had contact with uses YouthGAS, so good on ya." - Sarah G., NSW
"Congratulations with YouthGAS it is fantastic and a great way to bring together like minded people, I was recently put onto it, I enjoy receiving the emails and have gleaned some very helpful info from them. I have also from the YouthGAS website gained some good info." - Gary B., VIC
"...one of the most vibrant sources of opinion on things of concern to young people and those who care about them." - Paul R., WA
"... [I'd like to] take this opportunity to commend you on the YouthGAS concept - it is a truly worthwhile networking/info sharing tool that has been a great resource to our service on may occasions. Keep up the good work, you are making an enormous contribution to young people and the youth sector." - Diane C., VIC
"I would firstly like to say what a FANTASTIC service YouthGAS is and, as a young person, it is by far the easiest and most informative resource I have. It is a truly amazing network of people." - Luke B., VIC
"I am finding the postings excessively interesting and I hope that I have been able to help a couple of people that I have answered so far. Hopefully will be able to help some more. Thanks again." - Maureen B., ACT
"I live in Minnesota [ U.S.A. ] and I came across Australian list-servs one night while finding links to various youth empowerment websites. I do the same sort of community-building, youth-empowering, grassroots-working, norm-changing work here in the States and have been enjoying reading the emails concerning the PLETHORA of opportunities available to young Australians." - Diane, U.S.A.
"I have also been able to reach so many people with so much information etc to undertake their valuable work with young people. Keep up the great work." - Cynthia R., NSW
"If it's time to let Richard know who personally doesn't get enough thanks for his efforts then I agree. I have been able to reach people and places with this email service that I wouldn't ordinarily be connected with. Thanks for that Richard. This is job worth doing if this can benefit everyone in or connected to young people and the professions that support them." - Bruce D., VIC
"Greetings throughout Australia and the world! I am once again astounded at the capacity of this network. The training workshop that is running in Brisbane next weekend will now include the participation of youth leaders from Bangladesh , as well as Australian youth. And how did they find out about the program? ..... yeh YouthGAS!" - Sue L., NSW
"...congratulations on a fantastic information service! I glean heaps from it on a daily basis!" - Bronwyn C, QLD
"I very recently discovered that you do all this work for YouthGAS for free!!! Thank you so much for this great service - I know that I try and share knowledge of YouthGAS with every new youth worker I meet. I just think it's fantastic." - Sarah T., VIC
"Now I've subscribed to the mailing list, thanks to your e-mail, I'll be able to keep up with everything rather than see/hear it second-hand." - Craig M., VIC
"...the information that I have received including phone calls, has been very encouraging. Please feel free to pass on my request to those people who may not be apart of the YouthGAS community." - Bruce D., VIC
"...I would like to just commend the obvious passion which exists among us and feel that YouthGAS helps keep it alive so thankyou all !!!!" - Louise C., VIC
"I've visited YouthGAS many times (and referred people to it)....its an excellent resource." - Phillip J., ACT
"Thank you for the great work you do Richard. I find your information on youth involvement to be very useful, and your listserve alive and necessary. Keep it up!" - Adam F., U.S.A.
"I had already come across the youth gas site and found it fabulous, I have been accessing a number of resources from the site, it is jam packed with useful stuff and just great. For some reason I hadn't subscribed to the email list but have now and look forward to receiving it." - Anja M., SA
"I got your e-mail address from a friend, who recommended that I e-mail you and ask to be placed on your mailing list to ensure that I stay up to date with "everything", including networking opportunities, issues in the youth arena, as well as employment opportunities." - Julie K., VIC
"If I hadn't gone to that conference perhaps I wouldn't have heard of YouthGAS!!! I can't imagine doing my job without it!! I get SO much feedback from all the youth service agencies I network with here in South Australia about how totally cool they think I am for sending through all this fabulous information to them!! I take a bit of credit - but tell them all to subscribe to YouthGAS!!" - Renee L., SA
"Hi Everyone. I would just like to say thankyou to everyone for their input about my question on Graffiti. It has broaden my look at how I could go about organising it and all has been useful and taken into account. Thanks very much." - Jessica H., QLD
"Thankyou so very much for spreading the word last month about our offer to run DJ workshops for Sydney youth services. I received an amazingly huge response! I had no idea the need was so large! We even received television attention! So thankyou again." - James R., NSW
"You should be congratulated for your amazing work with YouthGAS - thank you for your contribution to this sector of the community." - Adam S., VIC
"Go you youth icon..." - Jenny H., NSW
© late 1990's - present, YouthGAS. All rights reserved.